Nutrition Counseling & Coaching
Telehealth & in-person sessions available.
Would you like to make peace with food and your body?
Would you like to live your life to the fullest?
Would you like to bring greater awareness, curiosity and compassion to your eating behaviors and choices as well as your body so you can feel your best—physically, emotionally and mentally?
Why work with Katie?
Due to my personal food relationship journey, I am passionate about working with teenagers and adults who are struggling with their relationship with food to empower them to mindfully and intuitively nourish and move their bodies by honoring their inner wisdom.
My intention is to provide the education and tools necessary for individuals to make peace with food, develop a compassionate and nonjudgmental relationship with food and their bodies and cultivate a nurturing self-care practice.
I help individuals bring awareness, curiosity and compassion to their food choices, eating behaviors, thoughts and feelings so they can nourish their bodies and minds and thrive.
I specialize in mindful and intuitive eating, eating disorders, disordered eating, co-existing food fears and anxiety disorders (including OCD) and performance nutrition.
Photos of Katie by Amy Lane Photography
My Mission
I believe that nourishing one’s body with awareness, curiosity and compassion are pivotal to feeling one’s best both physically and emotionally.
As a weight-neutral dietitian nutritionist that aligns with Health at Every Size (HAES), my mission is simple:
• I promote a non-diet mindful and intuitive eating and fueling philosophy
• I believe that ALL foods fit
• I believe that choosing foods that we find enjoyable is essential
I provide client-centered counseling. This enables us to work together as a team and places you, the client, in the “driver’s seat” since everyone is unique and you are the expert of your body. Only you know how hungry and full you are, what you love to eat and will truly satisfy you, what types and amounts of foods/beverages will leave you feeling your best and how you ultimately want to feel.
Photo by Judit Peter from Pexels
Working Together You Will:
• Explore reasons for wanting to make changes by identifying your values and how to align your actions with your values for lasting results.
• Cultivate compassion for yourself and your behaviors which will allow you to develop personalized strategies and skills that foster long-term, sustainable change.
• Learn why dieting doesn’t work and can lead to disordered eating and eating disorders.
• Make peace with food and eliminate possible feelings of guilt/shame associated with eating, food choices and amounts.
• Learn to enjoy all foods in the real world without depriving yourself by cultivating awareness, curiosity and compassion for yourself, behaviors, patterns and thoughts.
• Learn to use your hunger and fullness cues to decide when to start and stop eating by developing a mindful and intuitive eating practice.
• Recognize and reduce triggers for overeating and/or restricting food.
• Develop effective and caring ways to cope with emotions (this may or may not involve food based on the situation).
• Learn how to respect your body and develop a more positive relationship with food and your body.
• Support, compassion and encouragement throughout your journey.
“I will strive to live in the present moment. I will be grateful for my body and all it has to offer. I will realize where I am today rather than dwell in the past or future. My journey is the most important part of this experience because that is where I learn about myself.”
~ Katie Jeffrey, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Pause. Reflect. Nourish.™
By applying the message of Pause. Reflect. Nourish.™ to your eating behaviors and choices you will bring awareness, curiosity and compassion to your experiences enabling you to cultivate a mindful and intuitive self-care practice that will empower you to nourish your body and mind using your own internal wisdom and make peace with food and respect your body. This will result in you feeling your best both physically and emotionally.
Download my free e-book to learn how to apply the message of Pause. Reflect. Nourish ™ to your life.
Pause. Reflect. Nourish.™ with awareness, curiosity and compassion.
What Does a Typical Nutrition Counseling/Coaching Session Include?
Sessions are unique to your personal needs and goals.
During the initial session we will typically:
Explore reasons for wanting to make changes by identifying what your values are.
Determine how to align your actions with your values for lasting results.
Review your medical health history
Review current supplements &/or medications
Receive supplement &/or medication recommendations
Discuss your past and current relationships with food and your body
Discuss the all-foods-fit approach to eating
Discuss the benefits of mindful and intuitive eating and how you can, if you’re interested, begin to develop a mindful and intuitive eating practice
Review current food and beverage experiences
Examine current lifestyle and food preferences
Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels
Follow-Up Session
Follow-up Sessions include a review of the prior session and any intentions that were set, acknowledgement of accomplishes, an evaluation of recent lifestyle changes, challenges, barriers and/or concerns, education, and relevant and up-to-date nutrition information (as needed).
All sessions are personalized to meet your specific needs and help you achieve your goals.
Some clients work best with a framework and decide to purchase, The Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.
Follow-up Sessions May Include:
Challenge the diet mentality and the food police
How to cultivate greater awareness, curiosity and self-compassion in regards to food and eating behaviors, patterns and thoughts
How to honor your hunger and fullness
How to increase satisfaction and pleasure from food
Effective strategies to cope with thoughts, feelings, physical sensations
How to respect and develop a positive relationship with your body
Finding a balance between enjoyment, movement and rest
Gentle nutrition information that can be used as a guideline for making food decisions
Are you ready to begin developing a peaceful relationship with food?
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels